What cases can be made for or against X?
- Eating disorders - I am against eating disorders because several eating disorders exist, including bulimia and anorexia. These eating disorders impact people tremendously because once your body adjusts to this way of eating, your body will no longer adjust to a healthier eating style. I am against eating disorders because it affects people tremendously and severely damages one's health status.
- Racism - I am against racism because this has been an ongoing issue, and although slavery reparations have been made, including the CARICOM Demand for Reparations Smacks of Extortion, this still exists in today's society. Several students in school are discriminated for being a certain ethnicity, and I am highly against the idea of racism.
- Child abuse - I am against child abuse because this is a highly common problem that exists in several family households, and not everyone knows about it because it occurs at home. I feel like this issue needs more attention to try to prevent or lessen the amount of children that are abused by their parents.
- Stress disorders - I am against stress disorders because it's extremely unhealthy for one's health. Stress is a commonality between several teens and adults, and it's a highly negative problem for several individuals. I feel like more needs to be done to help resolve stress disorders that people experience, because this kind of disorder can exist for years or months, and it's extremely difficult for people to come out of this disorder on their own.
- Bullying - I am definitely against bullying because this issue has existed in the world today for a long time now, and it still exists today. Although there are anti-bullying programs that have been created, I believe that this issue needs more attention in society. Standards or adjustments should be made, in efforts to help resolve the issue of bullying.
Good job Danielle. You have strong opinions, which comes through in your writing, and that's a good thing.